If you know what sciatica is.. you are probably either a doctor or a physio, or you experienced its characteristic pain. 

Being often related to lower back pain, exercise is an important part of sciatica treatment. And what about Pilates?


Sciatica refers to the pain that radiates along the course of the sciatic nerve, which originates from the lower back and runs down through the buttock and down the leg.

Sciatica is caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve or its roots, but the reasons for this can be many;  they include a herniated or bulging disc that pinches the nerve, a compression in the great sciatic notch (where we also find the piriformis muscle), pregnancy, or conditions like spondylolisthesis. Pressure on the sciatic nerve from an inflamed piriformis muscle is also a common reason for sciatic irritation.

Whatever the cause, sciatica can be extremely uncomfortable, and can give weakness, numbness, burning or tingling, as well as moderate to severe pain.


When a nerve is injured or suffering, it’s important not to irritate it more.

As we saw regarding the lower back pain, resting is good at the beginning of the rehabilitation process, but then it’s better to start moving and exercise properly. Here your physio or Pilates instructor needs to find what is appropriate for your condition.

Classical Pilates exercises might need to be adjusted for someone experiencing a sciatic irritation or piriformis syndrome. Make sure to have the go ahead from your doctor or physio, and choose your health practitioner carefully!


If sciatica is caused by a herniated disc you want to avoid unnecessary flexion of your spine, and too much extension as well; while stretching tight muscles is good, over-stretching the nerve must be avoided; and if the pain is caused by the piriformis compressing the nerve, also those safe buttocks exercises need to be limited.

There are a few exercises that you will be able to do at home on your own, but it’s important to initially work with a qualified instructor to determine which ones, and with what variations or modifications.

You will learn how to perform them without discomfort, and you will then be part of your rehabilitation process!

Want to know more? We can chat! Send an email to pilateswithale@gmail.com, or even a Whatsapp message, and ask your questions!