This might seem like an old suggestion, but stretching is crucial to keep your muscles long, flexible and healthy!

So, why should we stretch? I’m sure you know some of the reasons, while some others might surprise you.

1. Decreases muscle stiffness and increases range of motion: Stretching helps improve your range of motion, that allows you to move better.

2. Improves your posture: Stretching the muscles of the lower back, legs, shoulders and chest helps keep a better alignment and improves your posture.

3. Helps reduce your risk of injury: A flexible muscle is less likely to become injured, and you can keep enjoying your favourite sports or activities.

4. Increases circulation: Stretching increases blood flow to your muscles, that will receive all the oxygen and nutrients they need to perform.

5. Decreases the risk of low-back pain: Flexibility in the hamstrings, hip flexors and muscles attached to the pelvis relieves stress on the lumbar spine. Together with strong abdominals and glutes, it reduces the risk of lower back pain.

6. Improves efficiency and functional performance: A flexible body improves your performance, allowing you to move with ease and with more energy-efficient movements.

7. Allows your muscles to relax after a workout: After training, your muscles are tight and ‘shorter’. Stretching helps them to loosen, limiting aches and pain.

8. Helps reduce stress: You will have less tension in your muscles (think what happens to your traps when you are stressed!), and it’s a calming exercise for mind and body.

When is the best time to stretch? I wouldn’t suggest to do it when the muscles are cold. So yes, it can be done before a workout, if you had some warm-up first. Then it needs to be done after exercising.

You can choose to do dynamic stretches before exercising, to prepare your muscles, and static stretches at the end.

It’s important to listen to your body to decide where to stop and hold the position. It should never be painful, rather a gentle feeling of tension.

Sounds boring? Remember, every stretching session doesn’t have to include all the muscles of your body, so you can vary it every time. Or you can try Pilates, which is anything but boring!

If you have questions, or if you’d like to stretch while moving during a Pilates class, please let me know here.

Are you ready to improve your posture and performance?