About 80% of adults experience lower back pain at some point in their lives, resulting in limited mobility and often the need to take days off work. 

Pilates teaches you how to use the core muscles to build strength around the spine. You learn how to control the movement around a neutral spine position, and how to build strength in the postural muscles while stretching the bigger muscles.

Lower back pain causes weakness in the core stabilising muscles,  and also creates abnormal movement patterns. Pilates strengthens the core stabilising muscles and corrects irregular movement patterns.

Pilates aims to make us aware of our bodies, learn the principles and apply them in daily life. It then becomes functional and beneficial to prevent pain and to correct the posture. The more you can apply the technique to the function, the better the results.

One of the main reasons people suffer from back pain is because of poor posture. Pilates can strengthen and train the muscles attached to the spine, to give it support. We want to have a stable but mobile spine, or a mobile but stable spine, as you prefer.

A good posture allows the optimum distribution of forces through the body, so the musculoskeletal system can function properly and protect against injuries and deterioration.  

“A man is young as his spinal column” – Joseph Pilates 

It is important to build a muscle corset for support around the spine. Together with the back muscles, the abdominals will have a fundamental role too.

Apart from an initial acute phase when rest is a good option to relieve lower back pain,  it is good to start moving as soon as possible. Specific exercises help with the pain more than lying in bed, and it will be a long term result as well.

Are you ready to start your journey to a stronger back?

Book your free consultation via email at pilateswithale@gmail.com .